Plugin Tag: word count
Webmaster.Net SEO Post Quality Analyzer – Quickly Find Low Quality Posts
(2 total ratings)Webmaster.Net Post Quality Analyzer is a simple lite-weight plugin to analyze the quality of your posts.
Article Read Time Lite – WordPress plugin for displaying total reading time and progress bar
(0 total ratings)Calculate and display total reading time| Calculate and display Characters and Words | Progress Bar
(1 total ratings)Zipfstats provides a widget plotting the frequency each word appears in a post/page and its rank (most frequent->least) against a Zipf distribution …
WB Content Stats
(2 total ratings)A simple plugin to showcase the word & character count and reading time.
Word & Reading Time Counter
(1 total ratings)Show your reader how much time they need to read and how many words in a post.
Reading Time & Progress Bar
(0 total ratings)The Reading Time & Progress Bar plugin enhances your blog with an estimated reading time and a stylish progress bar.
SJ Reading Time
(0 total ratings)SJ Reading Time helps you to quickly estimate your content read time and insert using a shortcode.
MOKA Word-Count
(1 total ratings)Count the words and letters of WordPress articles, as well as calculate the time needed to read