Plugin Tag: widget
EZ Anti-Spam Comments and Testimonials Widget
(2 total ratings)A simple yet effective Spam Filter. A Widget and Shortcode to display Comments with Good Karma as Testimonials. Plus the ability to Move comments and …
Send Anywhere (File transfer)
(3 total ratings)Send Anywhere is a cross-platform file sharing service which allows users to easily share digital content peer-to-peer, in real-time, without cloud st …
Most Popular Posts Widget
(0 total ratings)Most Popular Posts is a widget that is able to display a list of the most popular posts of your site (ranked by number of visits or number of comments …
Latest Posts Template Widget
(1 total ratings)Latest Posts Template Widget is widget that display latest entries.
Web Tỷ Giá
(0 total ratings)Widget Tỷ giá, Giá Vàng, Xăng dầu, chuyển đổi ngoại tệ, coin, tiền điện tử, lãi suất vay, lãi suất gửi.
Add Link Post
(0 total ratings)A plugin that allows you to post any article or news or the likes from any webpage to your blog simply by specifying the URL of that webpage from a wi …
Linkify Categories
(0 total ratings)Turn a string, list, or array of category IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to those category archives. Provides a widget and template tag.
WP Coppermine Plugin
(1 total ratings)A Wordpress plug-in that supplies a widget that displays configurable images from a Coppermine Gallery and pops up larger versions on mouse over.
Kades Crypto Widgets
(1 total ratings)Displays Cryptocurrency widgets. More widgets and chart to come. Crypto market data from and ICOs inf …
Recent Posts Widget Unlimited
(0 total ratings)A replacement for the WordPress Recent Posts widget that allows an unlimited number of posts to be displayed.
Totals for Sponsorkliks
(0 total ratings)Deze plugin toont het totaalbedrag dat verdiend is via SponsorKliks.
Ele Digital Clock
(0 total ratings)This plugin is a widget for Elementor that will display a fancy and customizable digital clock.
SM Dashboard Pages Navigator Tree
(2 total ratings)Navigate all your pages, with labels for private and pending, in a nice page tree hierarchy on the admin dashboard.
Zoom image simple script
(0 total ratings)Zoom image simple script is a simple wordpress plugin that overlays an big (high resolution) image directly on top of the small (thumbnail) image.
Pauls Latest Posts
(0 total ratings)Display latest posts with excerpts and comments in a sidebar widget.
TFD Word of the Day
(0 total ratings)This is a Wordpress Widget that displays an English Word-of-the-Day. It
Basic Funding Tracker
(1 total ratings)Basic Funding Tracker is a simple widget that lets you display the progress toward a fundraising goal on your site. It provides a basic design & l …