This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Sherk Custom Post Type Displays


Display custom post type items available in your choice using widgets and shortcodes.
From number of items, its order and elements to display. It’s just too good to have that availability to add list of post types anywhere in your website.

You can display items of custom post types of your choice almost anywhere in your website using the widget and shortcode. Display types available are Titles only with links, Titles and Featured Images with links, Titles and Teasers only with links and Display All. Order of display has also two choices either random or latest post.

You can email me directly for any plugin request or personal modification such as styles and templates at or contact me at

Plugin URI:
Demo Page: (Random Post and Recent ToDos sidebar added using widgets)

Detailed Instructions

After installation, check at Dashboard -> Tools -> Sherk CPT Displays (/wp-admin/tools.php?page=sherkcptdisplays_info)
for more detailed instructions.


  • Sherk Custom Post Type Displays How To Use menu at Dashboard-> Tools
  • Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets -> Sherk Custom Post Type Display
  • Frontend result of the widget in list of custom post type items.
  • Edit page with Sherk Custom Post Type shortcode.
  • Frontend result of the shortcode.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. BACKUP everything before you install the plugin.
  2. Upload sherk_cpt-displays directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Update the Permalinks on settings.

Display Sherk Custom Post Type Displays using Widget

  1. Go to Dashboard-> Appearance -> Widgets (/wp-admin/widgets.php)
  2. Look for Sherk Custom Post Type Displays and drag it to the widget region you would like it to be shown.
  3. Configure your Sherk Custom Post Type Displays, add a title, select the post type, select the display type , select the way it’s ordered and the number of items to be displayed.
  4. Click Save button

After installed check at Dashboard -> Tools -> Sherk CPT Displays (/wp-admin/tools.php?page=sherkcptdisplays_info)
for more detailed instructions.

Display Sherk Custom Post Type Displays using Shortcode

Shortcode for Sherk Custom Post Type Displays is in the format of
[sherkcptdisplays post_type=”post” total_items=10 display_type=”title_only” orderby=”random”]
Copy the shortcode, paste it to the content text editor and update the values of your shortcode parameters depends on what you need.

Parameters Available

Header title of your list of custom post type
option: string

Post type of the items to displayed in list (depends on your website, list below are automatically updated)*
default: post
option: screcipe
option: sherk_banners
option: sherk_skills
option: book
option: post

Option on what elements to be shown on your list
default: title_only
option: title_only (Titles are only shown on the list with their links)
option: featured_image (Titles and Featured Image are only shown on the list with their links)
option: title_and_teaser (Titles and teasers are only shown on the list with their links)
option: all (All are shown from Titles, teasers and featured images on the list with their links)

Total number of items shown on the list
default: 5
option: integer

The way the list is ordered
default: random
option: random (List are ordered in random)
option: latest (List are ordered from latest item)


You have questions?

Contact me through email at or at


సెప్టెంబర్ 3, 2016
The majority of custom post type display plugins are gluttons for bandwidth and can severely slow down a site on page speed. This simple, yet effective, plugin does what it is supposed to do.
Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Sherk Custom Post Type Displays” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
